Beginnings ….


I have been successfully staying off the computer (in order to concentrate on work) but that has meant that this space has been more than a little neglected. So I am going to give blogging another go and am planning lots of short, snappy posts with an image and a few words so that I can update on my phone (yaaay for smart phones!) with the intention of a weekly or bi-weekly more detailed update on what I have been doing and exciting things coming up.

Right now I am nursing a sore back that is threatening to get worse and trying to treat it with hot water bottles and rest to see if it will pass.

I am also working in the studio – writing lots and gathering thoughts and ideas for new paintings. I am never short of themes and possibilities but it can all be a little overwhelming and the trick is to organise what is in my head and pick out one or two things to develop further. I am planning on trying to work on a collection of new paintings and see where they take me.

So that is where I am at today.

x x x

One thought on “Beginnings ….

  1. I am so glad you are planning to make a collection of paintings, Gillian! I’m looking forward to see the first one! I wishyou much of inspiration!
    Next week i hope i can work on my new sculpture again. Now at the moment i’m stuck to my “Duchesse Brisée” Olala… Bicause i had an operation on my big toe yesterday.
    Have fun,

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