Open for business

Open for business

I have had various incarnations of an online shop over the last few years and although I have Seek and Adore for my sculptures (more on those in an upcoming post) I had not quite found anything that suited my prints and small original paintings since I closed my etsy shop a while ago. But finally! I have rediscovered the simplicity and practicality of big cartel so in the last week or so I have been gradually adding some small original paintings, favourite older prints and of course newer prints to my brand new shop.

As a wee welcome and introduction I am offering a welcome discount of 20% off any purchase until 31st May 2013 – just add use the code WELCOME20 to the box when confirming your purchases on the shopping cart page. Click on the photo above to be taken straight to the store.

Painted journal ….

Painted journal ....

There is something so freeing about painting in a journal or sketchbook…letting go of the pressure that this painting must be good enough to exhibit or sell. It is just for me. There are no expectations. I can take my time or work quickly and intuitively. It might inspire future work, or it might remain hidden, only to be seen on those occassions when I flick through those thick, rumpled pages. But sometimes it is also nice to share it and show another side of my work. But always with that melancholy nature and the attempt at creating atmosphere and emotion

I admit to an addiction. Moleskines… with their perfectly black covers and the paper inside that in the sketchbooks is smooth and takes pencil so well… or the watercolour books that take any amount of paint and water and mixed media and are so forgiving of the layers and layers that you can keep applying.

Another studio day today and I can’t wait to get started!

x x x

Getting to the easel…

Getting to the easel...

… is half the battle.

This is a lesson I need to learn and re-learn and make a poster of to hang on my studio wall.

With only one full studio day during the week now and a few weekends of out and about busy’ness I have been feeling a bit under pressure to ‘come up with the goods’ on that one day. So last Thursday, as I was sitting at my desk feeling a bit tired and sorry for myself, procrastinating and willing myself to begin working, 3pm came alot quicker than I could have imagined. Giving myself a swift kick and finally getting up to my easel determined to just put paint to paper no matter how it turned out I soon found myself enjoying just playing with the materials and lost in the process.

So yet again I ask myself ‘Why could I not have done this at 9am!?’ I would have had many more hours in the studio and enjoyed it a lot more. But again, I try to take note and learn the lesson. Sitting moping gets me no-where. Standing up at the easel and just putting brush to board, starts the process – and no matter what comes out, it is worth it.

So now to make a reminder to myself to hang on that studio wall!

What motivates and encourages you? What tricks do you use to get yourself out of those times when you feel less than inspired?

I would love to know!

The above piece is just one of the peices I finished in those few short hours – mixed media on paper.

All framed up ……..

All framed up ........

As an artist, the icing on the cake in terms of creating work, for me is seeing a piece that you have put your heart and soul into, all beautifully framed.

This is my first work on board to be framed (all previous work has been on paper) and I just love how it has turned out, the warmth of the frame bringing out the warmth and texture of the painting, the black beading adding to the dramatic and haunting atmosphere.

A few years ago I would have been heading to ‘that’ swedish store (love it for furniture!) to buy a ready-made frame which was chosen more by size and cost rather than what would do my work justice. But I have learned a lot over the years and value my own work a lot more – so the extra expense is worth every penny to finish a piece off in the best possible way.

Don’t scrimp on framing!

The After the Monet exhibition is still on at the Coningsby Gallery but not for much longer – the last day is this Saturday the 9th March so if you are in London and would like to see a diverse and exciting exhibition of emerging artists then this is a good one to see. We are planning to exhibit again in the future so if you would like to be kept updated then you can also click that ‘Like’ button on our facebook page.

I was so disappointed not to make the preview especially as 2 of the judges from the show made an appearance!

Beginnings ….


I have been successfully staying off the computer (in order to concentrate on work) but that has meant that this space has been more than a little neglected. So I am going to give blogging another go and am planning lots of short, snappy posts with an image and a few words so that I can update on my phone (yaaay for smart phones!) with the intention of a weekly or bi-weekly more detailed update on what I have been doing and exciting things coming up.

Right now I am nursing a sore back that is threatening to get worse and trying to treat it with hot water bottles and rest to see if it will pass.

I am also working in the studio – writing lots and gathering thoughts and ideas for new paintings. I am never short of themes and possibilities but it can all be a little overwhelming and the trick is to organise what is in my head and pick out one or two things to develop further. I am planning on trying to work on a collection of new paintings and see where they take me.

So that is where I am at today.

x x x

Introducing Benno


Hello! There will be lots of short in-progress blog posts coming up as I am in full swing preparing work to take to Germany so I will be posting from my phone and resisting getting lost in the cavernous world wide web! Just over a month to go and an exhibition and an arts trail looming before then!

So head down and nose to the grindstone for me. In the meantime, meet Benno, the latest addition to the family that sits on my bookshelves for a short time.

X x x

In progress ….


A busy, busy week for me as I am really thinking of all the events I have coming up and all I need to make and do. So there will just be a few quick visits and updates as the week goes on.

I really must say how much I enjoyed and appreciated your comments on the Process is a painting posts. I hope I answered all your questions (answers are in the comments section).

Wishing a wonderful week!

Sketchbook peek ….


Hoping to get back to posting Flickr favourite mosaics next Monday … But in the meantime here is a sketchbook peak from today. Finding my way and my thoughts are blurry and my brain is itching with the beginnings of new ideas for paintings. I am in no desperate hurry though and until I am ready, I am making sure I draw or paint everyday.